Nice to meet you, I’m Andrea
Hello, thank you for exploring my website. I’m pleased to tell you a little bit about me and the approach I take to help individuals and organizations have the confidence and capacity to identify, pursue, and achieve their goals.
Clients helped through career counseling and outplacement.
People trained through workshops and webinars.
Leadership roles filled through executive search services.
Of recent recruitments have led to hiring a diverse candidate.

Andrea Weiss
M.S, National Certified Counselor, Master Career Counselor
As a career counselor, I’ve provided thousands of individuals with personalized career counseling services to identify and pursue satisfying careers, manage successful career transitions and take advantage of new opportunities.
As an organizational partner, I’ve used my expertise in talent acquisition to conduct a wide range of senior and executive level search assignments for nonprofit clients. In addition, I’ve assisted private companies, public entities, and nonprofit organizations with outplacement services for high-level executives, key staff, and front-line workers.
My expertise has led me to design and deliver numerous well-received workshops and webinars on a variety of topics including career management, job search, resumes, LinkedIn, interviewing, and networking. I also have conducted many Myers-Briggs (MBTI) workshops focused on improving team dynamics and communication.
Whether I’m guiding professionals toward more satisfying careers, helping nonprofits hire new leaders, supporting employees transitioning to their next job opportunity, or delivering an informative workshop, my goal is always the same: to provide high-value services that help people and organizations confidently and successfully navigate change.

Making A Difference
I enjoy my work because it provides me the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in others’ lives as well as in the community as a whole. Through the delivery of my varied services I have the pleasure to:
- Help people discover a meaningful career, develop the confidence and tools to pursue their goals and set a plan to create a rewarding career path
- Guide nonprofits in hiring talented leaders to infuse new energy into their organizations, deliver on their missions and have greater impact on the communities they serve
- Promote diversity and inclusion at the senior leadership level
- Consider, appreciate, and empathize with the goals, needs and concerns of every client (employee, job seeker, and employer), creating successful outcomes
- Have my own satisfying career where I feel I’m having a positive impact on the world, working hard on things that matter (but doing so with fun and a sense of humor!)
Core Values
I “meet you where you’re at,” with no pre-conceived judgements or expectations. You are strengthened by your unique experiences which will guide you toward achieving your goals.
I believe in the value and importance of diverse perspectives. Different ideas, backgrounds and cultural competencies bring depth to our lives and create a dynamic, fulfilling workplace.

Partnering for Success
I believe in partnership — working collaboratively with individuals, boards, employers or other stakeholders to identify needs, develop a strategic approach and create a successful outcome. I’ll use my experience and expertise to help you reach your goals.

Deeply Experienced
I have over 20 of experience in career counseling, nonprofit executive search, outplacement, and training. I am a National Certified Counselor, Master Career Counselor and a graduate of The Packard Foundation’s Nonprofit Executive Search Institute. I’m well versed in the administration and interpretation of a variety of career assessments including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). I earned a Master’s degree in Career Counseling from Sacramento State and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from UC Davis.

Customized Services
I have a wealth of experience to draw from, and by actively listening to you and asking insightful questions, I can develop a customized, value-driven approach that meets your unique needs and resources. I understand that each client has a different starting point and I can pull from my skillset to create a relevant set of services for you.
Previous Clients
Discover how I can help you get from where you are to where you want to be — reach out today.